Legal Protection for Investigative Reporting

Reporters Shield is a membership program that defends investigative reporting from legal threats meant to silence critical voices.
Because without investigative reporting, the public doesn’t get the truth.

Welcome to Reporters Shield

Reporters Shield is an innovative solution to the increasing burden of bogus lawsuits against investigative journalism. These lawsuits, often referred to as SLAPPs (strategic lawsuits against public participation) are designed to intimidate and financially burden newsrooms. A Reporters Shield membership gives journalists the confidence and legal support to do the brave reporting they want to do.

“SLAPPs are filed to financially exhaust journalists and media. That’s why financial support is very important. Reporters Shield means journalists won’t have to worry if they will be able to pay lawyers, court costs, and other expenses.”

Bojana Jovanović
Bojana Jovanović

Deputy Editor in Chief, KRIK in Serbia

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